Monday, May 23, 2016
This little video of 7-month-old Freya enjoying a glass of water at the weaning table puts a big smile on my face - I had to share it with my Montessori friends! :)
Here's to a great week!
Montessori Baby - Practical Life

Monday, December 7, 2015
a little tour: e and f's montessori-inspired bedroom
Check out the tour of Elise's Montessori-inspired baby nursery here.
A shared space for a big sis and a little sis to
and - of course -
monkey around!
A big, cozy bed is just right for three-year-old Elise, who sleeps through the night
- with the exception of occasionally getting up to use the potty.
A thin mattress on the floor, alongside a large mirror, gives almost-two-month-old (!) Freya a clear view of her environment and encourages movement. She takes one or two lovely 2-3 hour naps here during the day. This is also where she sleeps at night, but not as independently - you'll often find me here, too, nursing, snuggling, and snoozing!
The yellow shelf is home to a basket of finger puppets, a rotating selection of books, cozy blankets, and a few other treasures. Toys and homeschool materials can be found downstairs, where we spend most of our time. While the chair feels big for the space, it is the perfect spot to nurse and read, so - for now - it stays. The "closet" on the left is my favorite part of the room...
It's inspiration came from a Montessori Facebook group - a basic cube shelf with a board across the top. Easy peasy! Elise's baskets are pink and Freya's are green.
Each one is labeled - "shirts" and "pants" for Elise, and "baby clothes" and "diapers" for Freya.
Behind the curtain is a rack for hanging more clothes and a basket for laundry. The top of the shelf is for sweaters.
The room's official closet would be nearly impossible for little people to use - a quirky, old-house feature that's just right for a book nook!
Thanks for coming on the tour,
and happy Monday - hope your week is swell! :)

Monday, November 23, 2015
the thankful "tree"
Looking for a simple way to get into the spirit
of Thanksgiving with your little one?
Make a thankful tree!
you'll need:
- a few branches with lots of good spots to hang "leaves"
- a flower pot or vase to hold the branches
- strips of construction paper with leaf outlines (I drew these)
- scissors and markers/colored pencils
- tiny clothespins for hanging the leaves (ours are in the cloth bag - fyi)
I prefaced the activity by asking Elise
what she thought being thankful meant...
Her response?
It's when you REALLY like something!
This year, I'm especially thankful for
my two little daughters.
What are YOU feeling thankful for?
home sweet home,

Wednesday, November 18, 2015
she's here! she's here!
Freya Arden
At one month she enjoys...
lounging on the floor bed,
watching Big Sis, Elise,
and sleeping!
Elise is thrilled to have a little sis to dress up,
create art for,
and play with!
^^^ halloween 2015 ^^^
Of course, we're all adjusting to life with our new little family member,
but so far, so good!
Freya - 1 month

Friday, October 23, 2015
flower tea party
Things have been a little quite around here lately...
that's because we've spent the past few weeks waiting.
Waiting on a baby!
Which is not an easy thing to do.
She's here now, though - happy and healthy! :)
But. before I introduce her,
I want to share something special Elise and I did together
before the excruciating baby wait began.
A flower tea party!
We made lavender shortbread cookies
topped with lemon glaze and edible flower petals.
Elise kept our cups filled to the brim
with raspberry hibiscus tea.
We chatted and laughed,
ate our cookies and sipped our tea.
Oh - did I say the cookies were all topped with flowers?
Well, some featured cherry tomatoes, too!
We also collected beans from the "Pea Fort" to plant next spring.
Oh my, I love this girl so much!!!!!
This little flower tea party will be a memory I'll always treasure.
Aaahh!!! HORMONES!
Be sure to stop by next week to meet our new little one!
Happy weekend, friends!
home sweet home

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