
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

busy hands - toddler edition

opening and closing

piecing together the layers
of a much loved human body puzzle

young and adult animal cards

putting together the pieces 
of a floor puzzle

red - the beginning of a scavenger hunt
inspired by Color Box 2

searching for green items around the house
- dressed in green, of course!

the epic results 
of the Color Box 2 scavenger hunt

observing dairy calves 
at the county fair

going on camping adventures 
lots and lots of camping adventures...

washing dishes,

writing on a rainy afternoon
(making "E" for Elise for the very first time!),

hitting the trail 
with the whole fam,

and filling her heart 
with the wonders of nature!

^^ photo credit to Elise! ^^

... speaking of full hearts - SUPRISE!!!
Another little person will be joining our family in a couple months!
We are beside ourselves with excitement!!!  :)


  1. Such beautiful photos! The colour scavenger hunt looks fun! Congratulations on the pregnancy again :) It's all very exciting!

  2. 💗💗💗💗

  3. Congratulations to you and your family!
    I have been following your blog since you were a guide at a Montessori school. Thank you for the idea of using old calendars, I had suddenly an specific purpose to use them.
    Kind regards, María i Sweden

  4. Yeah! Congratulations to you all! I was so happy to read this post.
    Peace, Andree

  5. Congratulations! I have been following along with you since my son was born. He's just a bit younger than your daughter. Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful ideas.


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