
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

countdown to christmas

I wasn't organized enough to put together an advent calendar this year, so I made Elise a little "Christmas countdown" instead.  It started this morning, and will end on Christmas Eve.  Each day, Elise will open up a small gift that corresponds with an activity we can do together.

Christmas countdown gifts and activities:

day 1:  homemade barrette for E's hair - hot chocolate date
day 2:  zipper pull - winter wonderland walk
day 3:  snowflake paper punch - make snowflakes
day 4:  bird ornament - make bird feeders
day 5:  dog bone cookie cutter - make dog treats
day 6:  bubble bath - take a holiday bath (love this snow bath idea from Montessori Beginnings)
day 7:  sparkly bracelets - go on a Christmas light cruise

Stay tuned for updates on our holiday fun!  


  1. Awesome! Glad you eventually did it! She is one lucky little girl!

  2. Thanks, Deb! You inspired me! :)

  3. Sounds like fun! Takes a lot of organizing hey. Wait til you have two! Advent becomes a full time job lol

    1. I can only imagine! I hope you share more of your advent activities - I can't for Elise to try your snow bath idea!


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