
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

a winter's day experiment

Two jars...
1 filled with snow,
1 filled with ice
We made observations...
"The jar is cold AND wet!"
We made predictions...
"I think the ice will melt first."
We watched the experiment unfold all morning long...
'and what was our ultimate discovery?

Even the purest, freshest-looking snow on the playground is still really, really dirty!
But, don't worry, this new information did not stop the children from feasting on it all afternoon...

because if snow in Montana is too dirty to eat,
then what's the world coming to, you know?

1 comment:

  1. A very nice practical-life experiment! Glad to hear your blog has been nominated for an award! I think your blog is truly educational, fun, and inspiring... look at all the viewers following your site, not only in the US, but around the World!


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