
Thursday, March 13, 2014

a beautiful mess

Recently, I've noticed  a few comments being made around the Montessori online community that bloggers only share "before"-type photos of pristine lessons and shelves.  So, if you are an itty bitty love reader who has been craving a little glimpse into our clutter and chaos, this post is for you!  Elise's friend Ezra came by to play this morning, and before I started tidying up, I took a few photos to document the aftermath their rollicking good time!

I also made a couple observations about our Montessori-inspired home:

  1. Yes, it can get really messy around here when everything is taken out of its basket or tray.  That said, now that Elise is 20 months old, she usually only takes one or two things out at a time, and with a little encouragement, she's getting pretty good at putting it all back.  Our house really only looks like this when friends come over and explore.  Also, messes = fun, right?!
  2. Although a Montessori home has the potential to get messy (What home doesn't, really?), they are easy to clean up because everything has its place.  Honestly, our house was back to normal within five minutes! 


  1. Great post! The last photo made me chuckle out loud! I love having a Montessori home because mess is such a breeze to tidy up, and I actually enjoy the process! It's like a giant puzzle where you have to put everything back in its dedicated space.

    1. What a great description, Elsa - it is like a puzzle!

  2. That really looks like someone had a lot of fun! :)

    I'm curious--when Elise has visitors, would you introduce how to work in the environment, like working on a rug, etc--maybe when they're older?

    1. Good question! I'm still trying to figure this one out... I'm hoping it will get a little easier as they get older. :) I also think it depends on who the visitor is, and how familiar they are with our environment. Elise and I both enjoy showing our friends, young and old, how her lessons and toys work. Sometimes, though, I've discovered that it's just easier to put certain things up or in the closet!

    2. Like Anne, I think it depends who the visitor is and how often they visit. I don't mind how they use the materials but I don't like it especially when they make a huge mess and their parents dont expect them to tidy up after themselves. Finn can get quite upset and cranky when there's a lot of mess, so I discreetly tidy up a bit while they are still here so as to keep everyone happy.

  3. This is lovely - I think mess means a good time has been had! I like the ideals of Montessori in that it encourages children to clean up after themselves. At times I have been encouraging this at home and at other times it goes no where! Just a process I guess :)

  4. Thank you for this! I've been in a funk this morning and feeling unnecessarily sorry for myself about having a scatterbrained toddler making a mess all the time, and I've been reading a lot of montessori blogs lately trying to get ideas for activities he could do and it just got stuck in my mind that all of the kids on these blogs are so perfect and tidy! I know it's not true, but it was still very nice to have this visual reminder!

    1. Hi Kirstin! Thanks for leaving a comment - I know all about that kind of funk! I find it's so much easier/more fun for me to write about the good moments, and to point the camera just a little to the right to avoid that giant, never-ending pile of laundry that needs folded! We're all human, though! I hope your day improved and that you have a great weekend! ~Anne

  5. that was a seriously fun blog post -- I expect the playdate was fun, too!

  6. One way you can tell how much you enjoy a blog post is by how much you think about it afterwards - and I think this one is definitely at the top of my list!

    1. Thanks, Elsa! It sure was a good mess. I wish Finn could come over and make one with Elise! I have a feeling they would have a good time together - us too!
