
Friday, February 28, 2014

adventures in table setting

If you never thought table setting could be exciting, then you've obviously never been a plate at our house...

I'd just been debating how to best include Elise in setting the table when she went ahead and figured it out all by herself - of course!  I am slightly anxious about the well-being of my dishes, but I definitely don't want to squelch her enthusiasm.  Plus, as wild as it may look, there have been no casualties so far - knock on wood!

Here's to the weekend!


  1. This is the best video I've seen in a long time!! I love how she just sits back down when she has finished and waits for whatever might come next!

    1. Thanks, Elsa! Yes, I love watching her complete the entire task - if you listen closely, she starts making "yummy" noises when she sits down. Ha! Toddlers can be so entertaining!

  2. This little girl is so adorable! Was she saying her and your names as she was distributing the plates and utencils? :-) Lovely!

    1. Yes - and she's very particular about who gets what plate!

  3. So cute! I've been trying to get my 4-year-olds to help set the table, and I was shocked yesterday when my just-2-year-old got out some cups and added them to the place settings! Little kids can sure do a lot more than I sometimes think.

    1. Hi Gwen! Yes, I totally agree - it's amazing how capable even the youngest child can be! I love that your little one is setting the table, too - can't forget those cups! :)

  4. Awwww! What a precious little girl! Love it!
    Vic is starting to drink out of small glasses (breakable) I know how you feel but it is good for them to be given the chance! xx

    1. Thanks, Deb! Yes, I totally agree! Plus, if we kept a household tally of who breaks the most dishes, I would be winning!

  5. Too cute! I would like to know the name of the chair she uses. Also, do you like it?

    1. Hi Andree! I missed your comment for some reason - sorry! Elise uses a Svan chair - it has worked out really well for us. At first, we used it as a high chair - we removed the tray, so she could eat right at the table with us. When she started trying to climb in and out of it by herself, we were able to easily adjust it into a toddler chair. We lucked out and found ours on craigslist - they're kind of expensive otherwise. I think you can buy one that is just a chair, though, without the high chair setting.

  6. That was awesome :)

    What kind of high chair is that? I've never seen one like it. I love that she can stand safely and get in and out herself!

    1. Hi Christine! It's a Svan, and it's been a really great chair for Elise. At first, she used it as a high chair, and when she started to show an interest in climbing in and out of it, we were able to adjust it into a toddler chair. I like that it allows Elise to be independent, and sit right at the table with us! They're a little pricey, but found ours on craigslist and one of my good friends bought one on ebay.
